Diablo 2 monsters act 4

Act 4 is the fineal act outide the expasion pack the pen ulimate fight with the main man the big cheese. Diablo the lord of terror!

Doom Caster (Diablo II).gifFinger Mage  are evil wizard ghosts with an arua of pure evil and there desings make me think of a 80s  vhs  horror movie.

 Balrog (Diablo II).gifMegademon are a nice genric demon desing but these guys like most every thing in this act dont fuck around if you are under leveled.

Doom Knight (Diablo II).gif Abyss Knight (Diablo II).gifOblivion kinght  Are high level skeleton kinghts that realy should have had a sheild in there desing.

Corpulent (Diablo II).gif Regurgaitors are werid hunch backed tentcale monster demon men that puke flesh piles, so there basicaly perfect and its a injustice they had no action figure.

Flesh Beast (Diablo II).gif Vile child I cant say i remeber these at all. Sorry vile child.

 Flesh Spawner (Diablo II).gif Vile Mother same as the child but  im sure some one is faping to this desing some were.



Izual's SpiritIzual is a mini boss and apart of a cool ass quest if i remeber right. This fallen angel can push your shit in if you come in under leveled.

 Hephasto the Armorer (Diablo II).gif Hepshato the demon armourer and pallet swap of the smith. One of the mini bosses of this act.

Diablo Concept 4.PNG Image result for Diablo II diablo modelDiablo The lord of terror hims self the fineal boss of the normal game and the first game, Not even death can save you form him. This is one hell of a boss fight pun intented if you are underleveled.  This prime evil is no joke.
Of coruse he got his own figure and one day it will be mine.

qoutes of all the bosses
