The goblin is about well a blue tiny goblin man that's actually a a teenager by the Name of Cleon Calymont Jones or C.C as the book calls him. Who uses a magic word to transform into a super natural defender of the inter city. The Comic is also an anthology of other stories but I will be only looking at the goblin because hes the title character.
Art form the comic is rather nice if a little weird.
In this issue his little borther, who he jokingly calls Oreo. Some how gets hold of the magical book of spells knowing its actually his brothers.
Unknowingly his little brother summons not only aliens form another planet by a battalion form world war 2. As while in his goblin from C.C. gets his slum land lord to pormise
to remove the rats infesting it and then has to deal with Oreos fuck up
by well beging kinda a dick and tormenting him as well with his ghost
So far the Goblin is a jerk but he did stop aliens and soliders from destorying the city so good job i guess.
issue 1 gets a meh/10
In issue 2 the pint sized power house saves a man after he jumps form a tall bridge. So you know less jerkiness then tormenting your little brother.
As he seeks into his bed room window we find out and he finds out that his brother knew about his extra normal exploits. What fallows ia a flash back to how he got hold of his magic book and how he became the goblin.
We leran he finds the book while hiding in an abaoned creepy atitic after his pal bugs ditched him. His Ghost pal tuaght he all the magic books serects.
At the end of the issue Cleons borther takes the magic book once again while his borther sleeps to use it transfrom into a Hobgoblin. Then the issue ends leading to the hobgoblins own adventure in the book. may talk about that latter.
ghost and goblins/10
I might talk more about this series at a latter date.
In this issue his little borther, who he jokingly calls Oreo. Some how gets hold of the magical book of spells knowing its actually his brothers.
issue 1 gets a meh/10
In issue 2 the pint sized power house saves a man after he jumps form a tall bridge. So you know less jerkiness then tormenting your little brother.
ghost and goblins/10
I might talk more about this series at a latter date.
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