Diablo 2 monsters act 2

So now were on to act 2. Aka the desert part of the game. For my sanitys sake i diced not to put up all the varints of the monsters becuase its tedouis to me.

Dune Beast (Diablo II).gif Baboon demons, they dont really look like baboons to me but mandrills and baboons are horrfic in real life so now imagen demon ones.

Desert Wing (Diablo II).gifBat demons, when i was younger i assume these were vamprie bats if memory serves me right.

Blunderbore (Diablo II).gif Blunderbore, is it me or do these big orger demons have tiny tiny heads?

 Claw Viper (Diablo II).gif Calw vipers  are snake men demons,  these guys are kidna  sorta want comes too mind when some one says reptilian aliens to me.

Fire Tower (Diablo II).gifFire tower as the name impiles are towers that spit fire and are annyoing.

Hollow One (Diablo II).gifGrater Mummys are one of the more inoic monsters for this game for me do to in small part of them having a cool desing aand for there bad ass action figures.

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Sand Leaper (Diablo II).gifLeapers are one of the annoying jumpy monsters.

Lightning Spire (Diablo II).gif Lighting spire are traps that spew foruth bolts of electricity.

Dried Corpse (Diablo II).gif Mummy are sadly just zombies but with bandges in this game. Not even a mummies curse to make them realy stand out.

Mummy Sarcophagus (Diablo II).gif Mummy sarcophgus are  best know for there big dumb abilty to spew mummies every were, just like in other videogames series. (castlevania)

Huntress (Diablo II).gif Saber cats are a race of demonic cat people who are fast and fun to fight. These cat grils will claw your face in if you are under leveled.

Sand Maggot (Diablo II).gifSand maggots are based off ant lions only now made huge and demonic. These buggers like to ambush you or come out of there eggs..for "fun" times.

Sand Maggot Egg (Diablo II).gif Sand Magott eggs  spawn sand magots young and relay do remind me of some thing out of star crafts zerg faction.

Sand Maggot Young (Diablo II).gif Sand Maggot young are fast small little buggers that can gang up on you unless you use the Ted miller sultion ( bashing them in the head untill there dead)

Sand Raider (Diablo II).gif Sandraiders yet agian make me think of some thing from a Harryhuasen movies. Thes guys tend to be simple to dispatch with a good party.

Dung Soldier (Diablo II).gif Scarab demon are insctiod bettle demonds found in act two and make me think if star ship troopers.

Slinger (Diablo II).gif Slingers are a sub set of saber cats that like to trow spears at you and arent as fast as the normal ones are.

Itchies (Diablo II).gif Swarm.. DEMON BEEESSSSSS

Carrion Bird (Diablo II).gifVulture demons are a little werid for a brid demon, it might be the human hands or tiny rat head but these guys are more rats with wings then vutlures to me.



Radament (Diablo II).gifRadnment is a grater mummy sub boss how if i remember right lives in the swears amongest the filth.

Coldworm the Burrower (Diablo II).gifColdworm the burrower is the demon maggot queen and sub boss she realy cant fight for her self so she spwans waves of sand maggots to do it for her.

Duriel 1.pngFile:Duriel (Diablo II).gifDuriel  the lord of pain and the act boss of act two he can be some what of a pain in the ass so i sugest level up a bit so he dose not curb stop you. His desing makes me think of spawn meats star ship troopers.

act 3 soon
