Diablo 2 monsters act 3

Act 3 aka the swampy jungely part of the game and maybe the weekest part of the game. IT only has one act boss and most of it is just sorta could have been cut out but what ever.

Undead Flayer (Diablo II).gifBone fetish remeber the fetish from before these small bugers are fast, small, and annyoing. They love to come at you at mach fuck you speed.

Council Member (Diablo II).gifCouncil member, as there name imples they used to be high up members of a reglouis order slowly courpted by the this acts boss mephisto one of the three prime evils.

Fetish Shaman (Diablo II).gif Fetish Shaman. These tiny dick weeds  not only can bring back  bthe dead but  also if b I remember spew  magical fire like the worlds dumbest tiki flame thrower.

Swamp Dweller (Diablo II).gif Frog demons are what it says on the tin a demon thats a frog.

Sucker (Diablo II).gifGiant mosquito can dran health or was it satima (both?)
either way makes me think of a jungle themed horror movie or Manqusito(link below)

Water Watcher (Diablo II).gif Tentcale beast look more like demon cat fish or leaches to me. Demon biology is weird man.

https://gamepedia.cursecdn.com/diablo_gamepedia/f/fc/Thorned_Hulk_%28Diablo_II%29.gif?version=0631e20fb963fd701d75ef9f57cc24a3Thorned hulks are demon tree men and make me wish they got a action figure back in the day. I rember these beffy boys giving me some trouble back in the days.

Gloam (Diablo II).gifWill o wisp are ghosts and as soon as i saw an image of them all that came into my head was "these fucks" so that cant be good.( I think maybe if i remeber right)

Sexton (Diablo II).gif Zakarum priest demonic cultist who serve Mephisto. Not much more to say about these mooks.

 Zakarumite (Diablo II).gifZakarum Zealot. Kids with sytches.. kids with sytches there taking over it wont be long.
But on a serouis note there a small varint of the priest with scythes.



https://gamepedia.cursecdn.com/diablo_gamepedia/thumb/5/5b/Mephisto_artwork.png/463px-Mephisto_artwork.png?version=f0262e9d0080c1825fb43f3a04f36ed3Mephisto (Diablo II).gif

Mepthisto is the act boss for act 3 and one of the three prime evils the games big bads and lords of hell. He is the weakest of his brothers but  a good prelude for things to come lore wise.
His design screams heave metal album cover.

Mansquito link as promised.
