Diablo 2 monsters act 5

Act 5 is the act that came with the expasion pack lord of destruction. The fineal battle to stop the last prime evil Baal and the battle for the world stone a powerful artifact ends.

Abominable (Diablo II).gif Abominable Sadly just a windgo recoller. Probably hangs out with blizard from primeal rage.

Enslaved (Diablo II).gifBaals minions are tought as nails demons that spwan at the fineal area of the game inside baals throne room, usaly during baal runs my dad would take care of these guys so the rest of us could fousce on the big cheese Baal

Moon Lord (Diablo II).gif Blood lords are these big beefy orc looking dudes. Realy get a warcarft vibe from them.

Catapult South (Diablo II).gif Catapult, yep thats a demon catapult  allright. rocks/10.

Death Mauler (Diablo II).gifDeath mauler is not just a band name but also a demon that looks like a star wars alien.

Demon Imp (Diablo II).gifDemon imps, as soon as i saw this guy vague memories and feelings of pure hate for these fucks filled into my head. These green goblin rejects also have a redundant name.

Frozen Horror (Diablo II).gif Frozen horrors are this games ice golems, probably fights batman while making bad puns in a Austrian acent.

Minion of Destruction (Diablo II).gif Minoions of destruction are beefy bad boys who can and will fuck your day up kick you in and eat your lunch if your under leveled.

Overseer (Diablo II).gif Overseer, a demonic slave driver and has a life time ban at the leather club for beging a jaborni.

Pain Worm (Diablo II).gifPain worm is like glow worms but with pain.
Putrid Defiler (Diablo II).gifPutrid defiler its a flying sekelton cock demon with arms. Thats stupidly metal.

Reanimated Horde (Diablo II).gif Reanimated horde are another skeleton warrior with some historically inaccurate viking flair.

Siege Beast (Diablo II).gif Siege beast are massive demonic beast covered in what looks like plate armour and a basket that can carrys smaller monster in it that i think could take pot shots at you.

Vile Witch (Diablo II).gifSytygian fury are a race of flying harpy witches that kinda scream some one was trying to make us sexy with there desings or maybe that was just teen me and now curnet me beging sleepy.

Succubus (Diablo II).gifSuccubus are a sytgian variant with a out her/there winged helms and brid wing for some reason, good for them.

Fanatic Enslaved (Diablo II).gif suicide minions do exactly what you think they do and i hated them then (not as much as fetishes if old man brain is right) and porbably hate them now.



Madawc (Diablo II).gifTalic (Diablo II).gifhttps://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/diablo/images/3/34/Korlic.gif/revision/latest?cb=20080809150544

Madwc,talic, korlic are mini bosses of act 5 and are actualy statues of acinet heros that defened the world stone come to life to do the same. ( i actualy looked this up because i remeber them as ghosts but nope i was wrong)

File:Baal Cinematic.PNGImage result for Baal diabloRelated image Baal the  Lord of Destruction him self the last of the three prime evils and the games fineal boss fight and boy howdy hes not here for shits and chuckles let me tell you that but I love this fight espicaly when you get a party of you and some pals over to do a Baal run magic happens.   A old spider crab wizard man isnt what id think of as the unlimited evil force but its such a fun design. Maybe that's just nostalgia speaking. sadly no action figure for him.

heres a mad man soloing him like a real american hero.

there is no secret cow level

So end my trip down memory lane, now i can sleep or die. Mostly sleep.
