Top 10 Castlevania monsters

So I like Castlevanina before konmai killed the series that is. I figured it be fun to rank in no pictural order my top favorite Castlevania monsters.  I might latter do a in depth review of all the series monster types down the road but for now  lets get down to business to deflate the huns or some thing.

10. Motorcycle skeleton

These bad boys sadly only apred in one game the much maligned Castlevaina 64 which is bad yes. But it dose not stop the magical brand of stupidity, the right kind of stupidity that makes  these fellows so much fun. What makes it even funnier is these are a anchoritism as the game take place in 1852 before the invention of motorcycles. So Dracula has a time portal or some thing

9. Ape Sekelton

Showing up in many games in the series starting in the 16 bit area. These kong donkeys are a balant reference and thats what makes them good and pure boner boys.

8. skeleton rex

 Its a skeleton dinosuar eough said. 

7. Brain Float

First showing up in the game boy advanced game circle of the moon, I love the simplicity of this desing. It screams 60 or 50s b movie and  i wish they were in more of the games.

6. Moldy Corpse
An undead type zombie monster  with a simple and horrific premise. A roting man slowly animated back to unlife from a evil demonic fungus. I wouldnt be surspied if some indie zombie flick has done this idea.

5.  Mad Snatcher

Leather face who also has hidden spider legs is so high school cool that it actualy becomes  real cool.

4. Abbadon

Abbadon is a demon lord of  pestilents and plauges. Hes also one of the fineal optional bosses of  one of my favorite castlevanias.

3.  Zephyr 

 This time stoping Vampire boss is totaly legaly not DIO. Remeber he was a jojo refence before it was cool. His desing also screams dite grate value Dio.

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Slogra and Gaibon


Slogra and Gaibon  are usaly found in simlair areas of the games there in some times Gaibon will even carry Slogra . This has lead the fandom to kinda turn them into enteral bash borthers. Demonic bros of hell fire. But besides that Gaibon has a good soild terdotionalbule demon look.
Slogra is a good demon chicken man.

