Some Men in black aliens

I been watching alot of men in black the animated series again and alot of it holds up. While this is some series aliens and how cool there desings are. So lets get this outer space rodeo going. Also not all the series aliens will show up in this because i havent seen it all the movies or all of the show

The alien attachments of the series big bad Alpha. These poor bastards were fused to the body satching asshole form, only to be free after a space symboite healed them and they littlteraly exploded out of him. Gursome stuff. I like the bule dinsouar lizard guy the best.

The alien assassin was desinged as a sexy earth women and attempted kill an embastor to stop a trade deal. She/it? looks like they belong in zelda.

Aileen-(1) Aileen-(3)Agent  Aleen is a shape shifting space cop  dsiguessed as a normal women. What makes her cool is she is impiled to have some kind of past relationship with K. Sadly she is a minor charater. result for Idikiukup and BobThe twins Idikiukup and Bob are apart of mib mission control and are babling weridos that every one in mib seems to understand and I lover there desings. We dont know what there speices name is sadly.

Frank the "pug" Frank is a dog like alien who is a gruff but loveable infromant for the mib. While we never seen his ture form in the movies we do see it in the show. I love the fact his alien from is just a blue space dog its funny.


Peoplebird Brid alien/10
Frog pepe the forg/10

Spider guy alien SPIDER MAN/pizza

Spaceboy 100/100 best back ground alien only remdeing thing about men in black 3

so that was some of the aliens form the men in balck series.
